Lifesaver Academy
Hands Only (compression only) CPR Course
There are additional benefits to compression-only CPR. There are fewer steps than traditional CPR, making it easier for rescuers to remember them and for emergency dispatch personnel to instruct over the phone. Additionally, those fearing disease transmission may feel more comfortable providing chest. Without a doubt, administering compression-only CPR is a valuable emergency response when compared to inaction
Requires confirmation
In Person
60 Minutes
Lifesaver Academy
Hands Only (compression only) CPR Course
There are additional benefits to compression-only CPR. There are fewer steps than traditional CPR, making it easier for rescuers to remember them and for emergency dispatch personnel to instruct over the phone. Additionally, those fearing disease transmission may feel more comfortable providing chest. Without a doubt, administering compression-only CPR is a valuable emergency response when compared to inaction
In Person
60 Minutes